A Self-less Service Towards Mankind

Jivitesh Foundation

Jivitesh Foundation (JF) is nonprofit organizarion (NGO) established solely for philanthropic purposes along with idea to deliver a high quality education for all. JF also supports the right to education and organization is strived to provide platform and access to education for all for upliftment and betterment of the society. The foundation has significantly contributed to and made measurable progress toward its vision “No One Shall be deprived of Education” of an inclusive India. Moving well in its charitable activities, the JF contributes to a positive societal impact through diverse community engagement initiatives.
Jivitesh Foundation was set up in 2012 to provide impetus to various philanthropic initiatives. we believe that everybody should have a reasonable quality of life, the efforts of the foundation have already touched the lives of people across India and in the villages and several urban locations.
The Foundation has a comprehensive development approach. Its prime objective is to create and support meaningful activities through innovative institutions to address some of India’s most pressing developmental challenges. The Foundation lays significant emphasis on leveraging technology for developmental solutions. Following its model of direct engagement, the Foundation directly reaches out to the affected communities through skilled individuals and trained professionals.
Over the years, Jivitesh Foundation’s initiatives have continued to evolve, while remaining responsive to the ever-changing needs of society. The Foundation is currently focusing on creating change in areas of Education, Health, Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Sports for Development, Disaster Response, Arts, Culture & Heritage and Urban Renewal. We welcome corporate funds, philanthropic donors, volunteers and well-wishers for supporting and managing this social cause called “SEWA”. We believe that there is a dire need to establish school, college and university to provide the high quality education to be replicated so that it realizes the vision "No One Shall be deprived of education".

  • 20 Causes
  • 50 Places
  • 427 Volunteers
  • 523 Membership

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